Swine Virus Outbreak
With the Chinese media hiding their truth from the world, how can we really fight off this crisis that's worse than Bird Flu prepared? Hasn't the Melamine's Case caused a panic in Food's Health Issue? With knowledge of this strain of virus spreading to unexpected countries, what's our government doing? Doing health checks & monitoring on Europens and Mexicans? What about our Asians? How can they be sure that the other foregin visitors from Asia is totally safe? Does'nt mean that we must ONLY take precaution at places where there's cases on it. Learn from Hong Kong. At least they know that their country took a big hit from 03's Bird Flu and is not overlooking any minor details of any cases of infection FROM ANYONE. It's time to learn from them....dear SG
Trust me, by the end of this week, new areas of Infection case will arise in Asia. Considering the fact that the Chinese pandemic control agency is not really as efficent as others. So spreading to other Asian countries, well....is common. Just hope our government will take REALTIME MEASURES on this. Hope it's not too late by then, if not I'll be watching "I am Legend" LIVE